Greenmaster Liquid CalMag 15-0-0 +20CaO +5MgO 10L
ICL (Everris/Scotts)
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Greenmaster Liquid NK is a balanced NK fertiliser that contains no P and is ideal to use between spring and autumn. Its NK ratio regulates turf growth and strengthens the sward.
Its Tmax technology helps unlock any Iron trapped in the soil, enhancing the turf’s health and colour. Equipped with a full trace element package, it improves turf health and assist with stress recovery.
Directions for use:
To optimise foliar uptake avoid high temperatures and sunny conditions. Avoid applications during frosty or drought conditions. Greenmaster Liquid products are tank-mixable with other products within the range, except for Ca-Booster.
It can be tank-mixed with H2Pro and H2Pro Maximise wetting agents. Mix with TurfMark® Extra spray pattern indicator to assist spraying, condition water and minimise spray drift. The water volume used to apply Greenmaster Liquids will affect how nutrients are taken up by the plant. (TurfMark® is a registered Trade Mark of BASF)
For use on:
Greens, Tees, Fairways, Greens Surrounds, Greens Collars & Approaches, Stadia Pitches, Sports Pitches, Outfields, Racecourse/Gallops, Lawns, Cricket Table, and Lawn Tennis.
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