H2Pro DewSmart 10L

£211.81 (Ex. VAT)
£254.17 (Inc. VAT)
10.50 KGS
H2Pro DewSmart is a dew dispersant product for turf grass areas. It is designed to prevent or reduce the formation of dew on the grass leaf, ensuring optimal turf conditions.
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H2Pro DewSmart is a dew dispersant product for turf grass areas. It is designed to prevent or reduce the formation of dew on the grass leaf.

  • Under optimum conditions 3-4 weeks control of dew can be achieved
  • Reduces the need for early morning switching of dew from greens
  • Greens can be clear of dew for a cleaner cut and for the early morning golfer.
  • Simple to apply with standard boom sprayer.

The formulation contains specifically selected sticking and spreading surfactants that bond to the leaf surface and prevent moisture droplets from forming.
DewSmart is ideal for use on greens as part of an iTurf approach to help minimize the risk of disease outbreaks and improve turf health and quality.

Directions for use:

Use whenever needed to prevent dews from forming on the turf surface.

  • The best performance is achieved when applied under optimum conditions
  • Cut or brush grass before product application
  • Use nozzles suitable for foliar applications
  • Apply mixed with a maximum of 400 l water per hectare
  • H2Pro DewSmart should not be tank mixed with any other product
  • H2Pro DewSmart should be applied to a dry turf surface, application to a wet surface will reduce efficacy
  • Turf should remain dry for 4 hours following application
  • Application can be made with a standard boom sprayer
  • Reducing the mowing frequency will increase the longevity of dew dispersal

Why is dew a problem?

The dew forming on grass blades can be problematic because it provides very good conditions for the spread and expansion of fungal diseases. It is no coincidence that the time of year with high disease pressure, the autumn, warm winter days and early spring, are also the times of year when you see the greatest number of 'dew days'. The moisture coating the leaf allows easy spread of fungal spores and the water droplets will combine with 'guttation' water to provide food for the fungal pathogens.

A single application of DewSmart can prevent dew forming for an extended time period (under optimum conditions), which reduces the need to switch/brush the greens on a daily basis, thus saving staff time. It will also provide protection over the weekend when switching might not take place. There is the added benefit of having the greens dew-free for the early morning golfer as well. The surface will be drier for cutting which should allow a cleaner cut.


Pack Size:
10 litres
Product Effect:
Turf Response:
<24 hours
Area of Use:
Product Brand:
Water Volume:
300 - 400 L/ha
Appication Rate::
10 L/ha
Typical Longevity:
Up to 3 Weeks
Additional locations:
10 litres